AWH Ministries Inc.

Courses & Credit Hours

Acts of the Apostles (2)

Apologetics (2)

Bible Customs (2)

Bible Survey (1)

Comparative Religions (2)

1+2 Corinthians (2)

Daniel & Revelation (2)

General Epistles (3)

Gifts and Enablements (1)

Hermeneutics (1)

Historical Books (2)

Homiletics (2)

Life of Christ (3)

Major Prophets (2)

Marriage & Family 1 (1)

Marriage & Family 2 (1)

Minor Prophets (2)

Missions Theory (1)

Pastoral Epistles (2)

Pastoral Theology (2)

Pentateuch (2)

Personal Evangelism (1)

Pneumatology 1 (1)

Pneumatology 2 (1)

Poetic Books (2)

Posture of Power (1)

Prison Epistles (3)

Systematic Theology 1 (2)

Systematic Theology 2 (2)

Systematic Theology 3 (2)

Worship and Music (1)